Safe solutions are now available for women whose pregnancies are high-risk

High-Return Solutions for High-Risk Pregnancies

Women who have high-risk or complicated pregnancies now can make an appointment with a specialist on Inova Fair Oaks Medical Campus. Moustafa Hassan, MD, who specializes in maternal-fetal medicine, has an office in the new Professional Office Building (where the Cancer Center is located).

High-risk pregnancy issues are common, notes Dr. Hassan. He frequently sees cases of women of upper childbearing age who have problems conceiving. Many of his patients have undergone the reproductive technology in vitro fertilization, or IVF.

“The needs keep on increasing,” says Dr. Hassan, who also visits Inova Loudoun Hospital. “With all the advances happening in the area of reproductive medicine, we see more and more patients who are infertile. If they undergo IVF, some of them already have problems conceiving because they have problems with their age, uterus or a medical condition. Some of them have conceived before but lost one or more pregnancies. ”

He also treats women with hypertension, epilepsy, Lupus, medication exposure, or who are at risk for premature labor. Additionally, he and his staff deal with issues that happen during pregnancy such as gestational diabetes, inadequate fetal growth, or babies who are identified with abnormalities. The office performs advanced fetal sonograms, Doppler studies, screenings for chromosomal problems and genetic counseling.

“Most of these problems have solutions,” says Dr. Hassan. “We work with the primary obstetrician, so it’s primarily team management, and our patients get to keep their OBs.”


Moustafa Hassan, MD, has an office at Inova Fair Oaks Medical Campus at 3580 Joseph Siewick Drive, Suite 304. Call 1.855.My.Inova. (1.855.694.6682) to make an appointment.

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